Feature Films

  • Postcards from the Great Divide (2016)

    Nine short films about partisan division in nine states, made for the Washington Post and PBS.

  • Getting Back to Abnormal (2013)

    New Orleans’ politics, culture and race relations after Katrina, as seen in a race for city council.

  • The Choice (2008)

    Frontline’s presidential race special, Obama v.s. McCain.

  • Special Sessions (2005 & 2007)

    Weekly show and short films about politics and policy in Texas.

  • Last Man Standing: Politics, Texas Style (2004)

    Texas politics, from statewide races to a local campaign for state Rep in LBJ’s home district.

  • George Wallace: Settin' the Woods on Fire (2000)

    Sundance winning life and political times of the longtime Alabama Governor of Alabama and candidate for President.

  • Vote for Me: Politics in America (1996)

    Two night national PBS Emmy winning film about political and culture across the country.

  • The Political Education of Maggie Lauterer (1996)

    What a charismatic, political novice learns when she runs for Congress in western North Carolina, part of “Vote for Me” series.

  • Last Stand at Little Big Horn (1992)

    Battle of the Little Bighorn told from both sides, written with Native-American novelist James Welch.

  • Louisiana Boys: Raised on Politics (1991)

    What makes the political culture of Louisiana so colorful and corrupt, funny until you start to cry.

  • Eyes on the Prize II – The Promised Land 1967-68 (1990)

    The last year of Dr. Martin Luther King’s life, part of the much honored civil rights series.

  • Among Brothers: Politics in New Orleans (1987)

    The battle for mayor of New Orleans between two African-American candidates.

  • Hands that Picked Cotton: The Story of Black Politics in Today's Rural South (1985)

    The first generation of black electoral activism explored in the Mississippi Delta.