Postcards from the Great Divide (2016)
The nine short films from nine states that make up Postcards from the Great Divide, dispatches from the heartland produced by leading independent filmmakers, tell a story about the increasing partisan split among the American electorate. How have national politics and money turned a local school board election in Colorado into an ideological free for all. What happened to the once polite politics of Wisconsin. How has the rural/urban divide in Minnesota, part of the Big Sort, played out in the life of one voter. Would black voters in Florida still turnout without Barack Obama on the ballot and what would it take to turn out Mexican-American voters in Texas. Could Republicans appeal to the increasingly dominant Latino electorate in Nevada and could the Democrats in Nebraska make a comeback to compete like they’re players in a two party system. Where have all the Southern rural Democrats gone, as seen in Kentucky’s annual Fancy Farm political picnic. These and other stories were part of a series produced for both the Washington Post and PBS.
Executive produced by longtime collaborators Louis Alvarez, Andy Kolker and Paul Stekler, who also made the films in Colorado, Kentucky and Nebraska. Other films were directed by Laura Nix (Inventing Tomorrow), Brad Lichtenstein (As Goes Janesville), Heather Courtney (Where Soldiers Come From) Miguel Alvarez (Atlantic City) and others.
“Postcards from the Great Divide is smart, funny, fair and very human, all the things the politics ought to be. Absolutely must see.” - Paul Begala
“This series is a home run. These are vignettes that beautifully, though often painfully capture the human quality behind the bitter partisanship at the heart of our politics today.” - Mark McKinnon
Films in the Series
Nebraska: Blue Wind on a Red Prairie
Jane Kleeb, the new state Democratic chair, tries to revive her party, directed by Louis Alvarez, Andy Kolker and Paul Stekler.
Minnesota: The Big Sort
The rural/urban political split seen through the life of one person’s life, directed by Heather Courtney (Where Soldiers Come From).
Kentucky: Gibraltar May Tumble
A trip to the annual raucous Fancy Farm politics picnic illustrates why it’s hard to find a white Democrat in the rural South, directed by Louis Alvarez, Andy Kolker and Paul Stekler.
Texas: The Giant Still Sleeps
Latinos make up a plurality of Texans, but it’s a challenge to get them out to vote, directed by Miguel Alvarez.
Colorado: Million-Dollar School Board
What happens when national political divides get down on a local level, even in school board races, directed by Louis Alvarez, Andy Kolker and Paul Stekler.
Wisconsin: Whatever Happened to Wisconsin Nice
How did Wisconsin go to its toxic partisan politics on steroids, directed by Brad Lichtenstein (As Goes Janesville, When Claude Got Shot).
Florida: Post-Obama Drama
Will African-Americans still go to the polls in the numbers they did for Barack Obama, directed by Cyndee Readdean & Deborah Hardt.
Washington: Purple Reign
How can Republicans win with moderate candidates in a blue state, directed by Laura Nix (Inventing Tomorrow, The Yes Men Are Revolting).
Nevada: Swinging Las Vegas
Can the GOP appeal to Latino voters, especially up against the powerful Culinary Union, directed by Laura Pacheco & Jackie Maw.

Dem Party Chair Jane Kleeb, Nebraska

School Board election, Jefferson Co, CO

Oscar del Toro registering voters, Pasadena, TX

Sand Hills, Nebraska

Voter registration, Jacksonville, FL

Wisconsin State legislature

Andy documents cornfield, Nebraska

Chisago, MN, talking politics

Crete, NE with county Democrats

Grilling a libertarian, Denver, CO

Filming, Sand Hills, CO

Andy & me, Jeff Co, CO

Cattle auction, Nebraska

Deb’s Café, Burwell, NE